Community Policy
Community Code of Conduct for Generating Momentum Activist Leadership Camp
This Community Code of Conduct is designed to maintain a safe learning and working environment for everyone. All community members are expected to adhere to this code of conduct including: campers, facilitators, Generating Momentum staff and organizers, and camp guests.
If you have questions about this policy, or would like to report problem behaviour, you may speak to any of the Generating Momentum organizing committee. Members of the organizing committee are introduced at the beginning of the weekend and will be wearing name-tags identifying their position on the committee.
Generating Momentum will not tolerate any form of sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, fatphobia, or classism.
This includes (but is not limited to) offensive verbal comments, deliberate intimidation, stalking or following, online bullying or harassment, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or workshops, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. Any harmful or threatening behaviour based on another person’s sex, gender or gender expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, physical appearance or size, religion, or socio-economic status, may be dealt with in any of the following ways at the organizing committee’s (or representatives there of’s) discretion:
A verbal warning which may include education from organizers to help the person engaging in problematic behaviour understand the harm their actions have caused and suggestions for moving forward. It is expected that the behaviour will stop immediately upon receiving a verbal warning.
Expulsion from Generating Momentum Activist Leadership Camp with no refund of camp fees or expenses. Expulsion may happen with or without prior verbal warning.
Generating Momentum hereby commits to centering the needs of those who have been harmed by another community member’s behaviour. All reports and disclosures will be believed and taken seriously by the Generating Momentum organizing committee, all those reporting or disclosing problem behaviour will have their privacy protected. Extra support is available to those who have been harmed by another community member’s behaviour in the form of:
A safe person to debrief with who will protect your privacy and listen compassionately
Assistance contacting other support agencies like crisis lines, healthcare providers, or other agencies if that is what is wanted and requested.
A buddy, escort, or support person to accompany you as needed or wanted for the rest of the weekend. Your participation, engagement, and learning is important to us!